Kerrin Edmonds – Meet You in Dreamland

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Welcome to "Meet you in Dreamland." A place where families can receive help and support in their quest for a better nights sleep for their little ones.

Founded in 2011 by Kerrin Edmonds, Meet You in Dreamland's goal is for families to become well rested and able to enjoy each day to its fullest.

About Kerrin Edmonds

Kerrin Edmonds grew up on California’s Central Coast and has lived in San Luis Obispo County her whole life.

Growing up with a Mom who owned and ran her own preschool, as well as being the oldest of three kids, Kerrin has always been around children from the start. But her passion for babies and more particularly, for baby sleep issues, was born with her first baby. After weeks of crying and sleepless nights, she felt there had to be a better way……So she started her journey to a better sleep for her whole family. She became certified by the Family Sleep Institute and joined theInternational Sleep Consultants Association,then Kerrin founded “Meet You in Dreamland”, where she helps Central Coast families find and keep their restful nights sleep.

If you are a parent or family member who is exhausted and overwhelmed from too many sleepless nights, tired of bedtime battles and inconsistent naps or just need help adjusting your current schedule, Meet You in Dreamland can help.

There are many services available, including:

• Face to Face Consultations
• Phone Consultations
• Email Consultations
• and a listing of local group classes

Every family is different and therefore has different needs. Meet You in Dreamland strives to meet your family right where they are, and in partnership with you, to come up with a plan that everyone is comfortable and happy with.

Please email us if you have any questions or to set up a consultation.

We hope to Meet You in Dreamland!


Meet You in Dreamland

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