Sleep Discussion

Here’s the latest sleep discussion comments from sleep articles and sleep news happening on our site. We encourage you to explore the sleep articles and news we publish each day and join the discussions. 💬

- Joanna Clark
Comment on Why Hire a Gentle Sleep Coach by Joanna Clark

In reply to angelce903. Yes! It is good news that finding a good sleep coach can help solve all the sleep disturbances and it does not cost too much money. [...]

- Joanna Clark
Comment on Why Hire a Gentle Sleep Coach by Joanna Clark

In reply to Anastazja. Thanks Jim to referring this article and my services to your son with a toddler. The good news it is never "too late" for a child [...]

- Joanna Clark
Comment on Why Hire a Gentle Sleep Coach by Joanna Clark

In reply to roamy. I am happy you enjoyed learning about building sleep skills for children ages 6 months to 10 years of age. I am happy you are here [...]

- Ray
Comment on Why Hire a Gentle Sleep Coach by Ray

I completely agree with the emphasis on personalized sleep coaching. Every child is different, and a one-size-fits-all approach often falls short. Your detailed explanation of the benefits of one-on-one support, [...]

- LineCowley
Comment on Why Hire a Gentle Sleep Coach by LineCowley

Sleep deprivation is one of the worst things that I have ever experienced during the years of my boys being small. So how I wish I had known that it [...]

- Hanna
Comment on Why Hire a Gentle Sleep Coach by Hanna

What a comprehensive and insightful post! The detailed breakdown of sleep support options and the benefits of hiring a Certified Gentle Sleep Coach is incredibly helpful for parents navigating sleep [...]

- Chris Towers
Comment on Why Hire a Gentle Sleep Coach by Chris Towers

This post really brought some memories back for me. When my two young girls were newborns, my wife and I had countless sleepless nights dealing with sleep issues. I wish [...]

- Katlynn
Comment on Why Hire a Gentle Sleep Coach by Katlynn

Where was this information when my children were little? These approaches would have been a game changer. As a nurse, this website is a great resource for my clients with young [...]

- Linden Thorp
Comment on Why Hire a Gentle Sleep Coach by Linden Thorp

This is just what I need! Wow, fantastic timing. I'm going out of my mind with exhaustion. My four-month-old will not sleep for more than about 30 minutes, and she [...]

- Dee J.
Comment on Why Hire a Gentle Sleep Coach by Dee J.

I will admit that I have never heard of sleep coaching. This is quite an information-filled article. Precious information.  However, I wish I had known about "Night Feeding Confusion" a [...]

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Sleep News

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I): An Overview

Living with insomnia can be a challenge. Fortunately, effective treatments are available that can help...

How Bedroom Temperatures and Bedding Choices Impact Your Sleep

It’s a well-known fact that being too hot or too cold can affect your sleep...

Researchers Harness AI and Other Innovations to Detect Sleep Apnea

Two recent advances in health technology may make diagnosing sleep apnea easier in the near...

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