Healthy Habits to Get Better Sleep at Night

Nothing seems to fix so many issues as well as a good night’s sleep, and yet many struggle to develop healthy sleep habits and get the recommended 7-9 hours each night. Sleep can be considered the foundation for everything else. When you get better sleep, it can help regulate mood, relieve stress, improve heart health, blood sugar levels and help with weight management.

Healthy Habits to Get Better Sleep
Get Early Morning Light to Sleep Better at Night

Conceptually it seems easy to achieve, but in practice it is not always attainable. The key to get better sleep is to start small and stay consistent.

As a Certified Tiny Habits Coach, I have learned how to establish lasting new healthy sleep habits. And through the Tiny Habits methodology, I help my clients to do the same.

The following tips will help you establish more regularity in sleep patterns. Many of the following are based on Tiny Habits recipes: “After I ____ (Established Trigger), I will ____ (Tiny New Behavior) and then I will celebrate. Read BJ Fogg’s book Tiny Habits or work with a Certified Tiny Habits Coach, like me, to learn effective use of this research-based technique.

Wake Up Earlier/Go to Bed Earlier

Sometimes better sleep begins with setting a regular sleep schedule.

Here are tips to get that started:

  • After I get sleepy I will start my wind down routine
  • I will progressively go to bed earlier (10 minutes earlier for a week, etc)
  • After I hear my alarm, I will sit up in bed
  • After I set my alarm, I will move it across the room from bed
  • After I hear my alarm, I will think of one thing I look forward to today

Healthy Sleep Habits Will Help You Sleep Better at Night

Sleep Hygiene is in effect ALL DAY! It can help prime your body for being awake during active hours and allow rest to come when bedtime gets close.

Here are some ways to establish healthy sleep habits:

  • After I finish cleaning up after lunch, I will step outside and stretch in the sun
  • After I notice I am sleepy in the afternoon, I will step outside for a quick walk
  • After I turn on lights in the evening, I will put on my blue-blocker glasses
  • After I clean up my dishes from dinner, I will set my phone to charge in a room that is not the bedroom
  • After I notice that it’s dark outside, I will put away my electronics
  • After I put my book down in bed, I will put on my eyeshades
  • After noticing I am not falling asleep easily, I will get out of bed and write down the thoughts that are going through my head
  • After I notice that I am anxious about an upcoming meeting, I will tell myself there is nothing I can do but sleep right now
  • After my head hits the pillow, I will notice my breath and consciously inhale for a count of 4, hold for a count of 7 and exhale to a count of 8

General Tips to Get Better Sleep

In general, better sleep at night starts each morning! There are many ways to begin establishing healthy sleep habits and a more solid routine for lasting overall health and well-being.

Here are some guidelines to sleep better at night:

  • Try to establish the same bedtime and wake times every day
  • Early morning light and late afternoon light can help to reset the body’s circadian clock
  • Try a weighted blanket – it reduces anxiety
  • If you drink alcohol, don’t drink 2-3 hours before bed
  • Magnesium supplements might help you sleep better at night – many people are deficient in magnesium
  • Exercise in the morning is best for restful sleep; exercise too close to bedtime can disrupt sleep
  • Eat at least 3-4 hours before bed
  • Dark and quiet rooms are best to get better sleep
  • Cooler temperatures are more conducive to sleep
  • Gratitude practices can help with anxiety

If you really want to sleep better at night, start small. It takes consistency and an over-riding commitment to your long-term health to succeed. Think about where you want to be in 6-9 months. What health markers do you want to improve? What do you want to be able to do that you can’t do now?

Start with answers to those questions and then plot a course to consistently get you there. You may want to track your sleep with a journal or use a wearable device to track your progress, and the aid of a coach is priceless.

Julie Bergfeld

Whether it’s through getting a handle on addictive tendencies, targeted mobility work, strength training, weight loss, or reducing stress and anxiety, I’m here to show you how to live healthier and happier by helping you gain more agency over your health and life!

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Hi Julie,
Just read your piece on getting better sleep, it’s eye-opening! You’ve got these cool tips that make catching Z’s sound like a breeze. But here’s what’s bugging me: with all the stress and screen time these days, are these habits enough? I mean, can we really trick our wired brains into shutting down just by following a routine, even when our minds are racing a mile a minute?
Thanks for sharing these insights. It’s great to see someone so dedicated to helping others hit the reset button on their health.


Leonard Irimia

We should all fallow this suggestions for sleep. Thanks for the insights Whoever follows these steps should sleep well.
All the best,


Thanks for your support!


Hi Makhsud, thanks for taking the time to read and comment. It’s not about tricking your brain, it’s about setting small changes into action so there are no tricks – just reality. For me, the first place I started was setting a sleep schedule with consistent bed and wake times. Just that action set a lot of other things into place for me. Trust that it took a while to get where I am now with sleep (at least 2 hours deep sleep nightly!). I suggest working with a qualified coach to begin your journey.


Very informative!
Healthy sleep habits are the unsung heroes of our well-being. They may seem small, but the benefits they bring are monumental. From improved concentration and creativity to a more robust immune system, better emotional balance, and even a healthier weight, the advantages of good sleep practices can’t be overstated. So let’s all commit to prioritizing our sleep routines, reaping these incredible rewards, and waking up refreshed and ready to conquer each day!


Thanks for the comments! I find that the world is a much improved place when I prioritize my sleep and other restorative activities. I consider it a foundation practice that often gets overlooked in our modern worlds.


This article underscores the vital role of healthy sleep habits in our well-being. It offers practical advice, including the Tiny Habits approach, to establish consistent routines for better sleep. The concept of “sleep hygiene” is emphasized, encompassing daily habits that can influence nighttime rest. The general tips are a helpful reminder of the fundamentals of quality sleep.

The message to start small, remain committed, and consider professional guidance or tracking tools is motivational. Overall, your article is a valuable resource for those seeking to enhance their sleep and overall health. Sweet dreams and a brighter, healthier future beckon for those who embrace these recommendations.




Thank you for taking the time to read and comment!


Hey Julie 🙂

Thanks for the article. It was really informative! I’ve struggled with sleep for a while now, and this gave me some great ideas on how to get better zzz’s. I like the idea of using Tiny Habits, and your tips on establishing a regular sleep schedule are spot on.

I’ve actually been trying to wake up earlier, and it’s been a bit of a challenge. but the “setting my alarm across the room” trick is genius. It forces me to get out of bed, and it’s been helping me avoid hitting snooze.

Here’s to hoping for some better sleep and improved health in the long run. Thanks again for the advice! 🙂


Thanks for your insights… Getting up earlier is set into action by going to bed earlier! Personally I find that reducing my exposure to “screens” and other stimulating activities at night makes a big difference in my ability to do so.


This is one of the most talked about subjects and that is getting the proper night’s rest. Sleep is so important and a lack of sleep can affect our mental as well as our physical well-being. Having a good mattress is great but if our sleep pattern is off we will not get the kind of rest we should be getting. Thank you so much for this guide that is such a huge help.

Jake Devins

Hey, I think this is good because it offers some great advice for improving sleep quality. 

I found the tips on maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and creating a relaxing bedtime routine particularly helpful. 

It’s always a struggle to get a good night’s sleep, so these suggestions are valuable for anyone looking to improve their sleep habits.


Your article provides easy-to-follow tips and I will be sure to incorporate them from today’s date. However, my problem is that I can never fall asleep. Sometimes, I can lie for hours and not fall asleep, even though I am very tired. I am also stressed these days. Do you think that this can be due to stress? Do you have any suggestions about what I can do? 


Honestly without knowing more about your lifestyle and habits, it’s hard to say! When I can’t fall asleep it’s usually for several reasons – too much to eat too close to bed or caffeine later in the day can cause this. Also, a lack of exercise and a lack of daytime light exposure can contribute to this. I find that if my brain is over-stimulated at night through meetings, arguments, scrolling on social media or just working too late, I too have a hard time falling asleep. I will do breathing exercises or listen to sleep sounds like ocean waves to help me sleep. Also, taking magnesium threonate is helpful before bed.


This is an eye-opening article. Although I’m familiar with sleeping earlier and getting up earlier, but I think getting up to move the alarm across the room is something I should give a try. Also I love the idea of writing down the thoughts that are going through one’s head when it’s difficult to find sleep. It’s like morning pages, but for night instead. Great tips!


Thank you


You have some great tips here that are related to helping one to get a good night’s sleep. I never have a problem falling asleep, but have problems staying asleep, and often wake up in the early hours of the morning. I think I must try adding some more of your tips to my routine, including getting rid of electronics once the sun goes down and investing in a weighted blanket, which I have heard helps a lot.


Ah yes, staying asleep can be a challenge sometimes even for me. I find that I wake up if I’ve been eating too close to bed time (I recommend at least a 2-3 hour window between last meal and bed) and if I “ruminate” over something right before bed. One thing that helps me is some breathing exercises to fall asleep again when I do wake up at 3 am.

Dave Sweney

I am someone who has trouble getting more than 3 to 4 hours of sleep a night, and generally, I will lie down during the day for an additional 1 hour or so. In my younger days I could easily get 8 hours when given the chance, How I miss those days! I could get by with less and often had to while in the military, but ideally, when the chance was there, I could get the recommended amount of sleep. 

There is no doubt that we are set up to get 7-9 hours of sleep in one session and the body needs that for top performance for the waking and working hours. I can say this with certainty as I notice the difference in my stamina (okay, some of that may be due to my age, as I am now 67) from those younger years. 

You have put together a very good set of tips and advice and also included a plan to implement them to enable someone like me to gradually shift into a healthier mindset and sleep pattern. I will be trying these out and hopefully, the results will be positive (I am sure they will help). Thanks so much, this article is very helpful and timely!


Thanks for reading! it has taken me a while to figure out my habits around sleep. I wish I had a coach for this when I started which is the primary reason why I am promoting these tips. We can all learn and grow from each of our collective experiences.


I love the tips you offered here. I have an 11 month old and sometimes regular sleep practices feel a bit out of reach, but reading this list of bundled habits helps me see that there are always little steps I can take towards better sleep health! My 1st plan of action is: After I brush my teeth and get ready for bed, I will go straight down to bed. I have noticed that I sometimes stay up later than intended simply by stopping at the couch on my way to bed! I’m excited to try this and welcome any thoughts you may have.


Wow, thank you so much for all the handy hints and tips! I have a toddler at home who who doesn’t sleep all that well 🙂 and that is of course a whole other story. But then when I lack sleep I tend to get stressed, and that makes it even harder for me to go to sleep… so these tips were really super! Thank you again!


Hi Julie,

You might have your work cut out with me as I am a chronic insomniac. Often I find myself staying awake for a couple of days at a time. In fact, the last 2 nights have not been great and it does affect my daily operations.

I have tried so many different things right down to herbal remedies that supposedly put you to sleep in a matter of minutes after taking them. The last time I took 3 tablets and still didn’t sleep. I take no stronger medicine than this.

Thirty minutes before I sleep I turn off all electronics, and yes I try to maintain a steady sleep and bedtime routine. And the other advice you give, like avoiding alcohol and keeping the room cool, etc, etc, I follow. But I still find at least once a week I will be up all night.

Is there anything else I could do, or anyone I could see? Thanks for your time.
