Maged El-Zein, MD – Pulmonary and Sleep Consultants of Kansas

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Maged El-Zein, MD - Pulmonary and Sleep Consultants of Kansas


Dr. Maged El-Zein is board certified in internal medicine, pulmonary medicine, critical care medicine and sleep medicine. He received his medical degree from the American University of Beirut and then completed an internship there as well. Dr. El-Zein moved to Kansas in 1999 to complete his residency at the University of Kansas, where he also served as chief resident. After completing his fellowship training at the University of Texas in Houston in 2005, Dr. El-Zein came to Wichita, where he has been in practice ever since. Dr. El-Zein co-founded Pulmonary and Sleep Consultants of Kansas in 2011.

Pulmonary and Sleep Consultants of Kansas is ready to evaluate and treat the entire spectrum of pulmonary and sleep disorders. Our specialists are experts in the areas of asthma, COPD, bronchiectasis, lung malignancies, interstitial lung disease, sarcoidosis, pulmonary fibrosis, autoimmune lung disease, low oxygen levels and respiratory failure, pleural diseases, obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea and narcolepsy, just to name a few. Here is a list of common topics, services and links that you may find helpful as you familiarize yourself with us and your respiratory problems.


Asthma is a commonly diagnosed and commonly misdiagnosed disorder. Your specialist at Pulmonary and Sleep Consultants of Kansas can help you diagnose and treat your asthma. You will likely be asked to perform a pulmonary function test prior to your consultation, or as a matter of follow-up on your asthma control. You may be asked to provide some information in the form of an asthma control questionnaire. One way to help patients manage their asthma is by use of an Asthma Action Plan. Visit and click on Asthma Action Plan in the toolbox area if you wish to have this type of plan available. Bring the form to your visit if you wish for your specialist to help you fill it out. Adherence to your prescribed medical regimen is usually the key to asthma control. If you have questions or difficulties with your medical regimen please ask your specialist.


Occasionally, your specialist at Pulmonary and Sleep Consultants of Kansas may recommend bronchoscopy to evaluate or treat your lung condition. You will be given specific instructions to help prepare you for this procedure. There are many different tools your specialist may use during the bronchoscopy to help diagnose and treat your condition. You can discuss these with your specialist during your visit.

Pulmonary Function Tests

Your specialist at Pulmonary and Sleep Consultants of Kansas may ask you to perform a pulmonary function test (or PFT) at the office prior to your appointment. These tests are very important in pulmonary medicine to help diagnose and treat common lung problems. Click here for more information about this test.

Sleep Studies

It can be normal to have trouble sleeping from time to time, but if you are having trouble sleeping most nights, or if you are abnormally sleepy during the day, there might be a medical problem to blame. Our sleep specialists at Pulmonary and Sleep Consultants of Kansas are experts in diagnosing and treating all types of sleep disorders; please make an appointment with one of them to discuss your symptoms and the options. You may be asked to fill out a sleep questionnaire to help in the evaluation process, as well as a short test of sleepiness.


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