Sleep Tracker – 8/11/2024

My sleep continues to improve. I almost got 8 full hours last night clocking in at 7h 54m of sleep time!

I’m excited about the 2h of deep and 49m of REM I got last night and am definitely feeling supercharged today. I scored a 90 on my Readiness and got a crown! 💪

Readiness - 8/11/2024

This was my 3rd full night sleeping in bed with my wife again, and I am now confident this will continue. I haven’t had any urges to leave the bed at night. I believe moving our bed to the south facing interior wall of our bedroom away from exterior noise has made the difference.

I also think bumping my pre-sleep glycine intake up to 5g is making an impact. I increased my magnesium oxide as well and like to do that from time to time to flush my system.

A Sleep Score of 79 and sleep efficiency of 82% is record breaking for me. I must be doing a few things right now and am optimistic that my sleep, and thus my performance during the day will continue to improve.

Pre-sleep supplements taken: 100mg Double Wood Apigenin, 5g Carlson Glycine, 8 capsules Global Healing Center Oxy-Powder, 3mg Pure Encapsulations Melatonin, 1tsp Manuka Honey

Stone Evans is the founder of which has become one of the most popular destinations online for people seeking better sleep. Stone started developing this website after realizing his own sleep struggles and then beginning an intensive period of study (which included professional sleep coach training) and ongoing lifestyle changes to improve and optimize his sleep.

Now through in-depth articles from sleep experts around the world, the internet's leading and most comprehensive sleep coaching directory, quantitative sleep product reviews and Stone's personal daily sleep tracking journey, visitors to our website regularly report gaining information and insights that are helping them achieve better health, better sleep and a better quality of life.
