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I stumbled upon this article just now, and as someone who’s been known to hit snooze a few times, it caught my attention. The idea that it might not be such a bad thing, especially for us night owls, is oddly reassuring. It’s like a gentle nudge to say, “Hey, it’s okay to savor those extra moments of sleep.” Surprisingly, it didn’t mess with mood or sleepiness, which is a win. Maybe there’s more to the snooze button than just a delay tactic. Looking forward to what else they discover about our morning rituals; have been following this blog for a while! 


Hi there again! Great website! This article is very interesting. I’m a person who hits the snooze button two times before I really wake up! Many people said that it’s very bad for me, however, I can’t change it! I’m a sleep loving person and I love to sleep till 11am 🙂

Kind regards!

Leonardo Vicari

I just read this article and was really surprised. I was never a morning person and thought that I will never be. It was quite annoying for people because I was always late because I couldn’t wake up on time. I thought that it was because of snoozing but after reading this article, I think it is more a sleeping problem than a snoozing problem. I’m definitely open to see a sleep coach in the future. Thanks!!

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