Sleep Discussion

Here’s the latest sleep discussion comments from sleep articles and sleep news happening on our site. We encourage you to explore the sleep articles and news we publish each day and join the discussions. 💬

- Kavitha
Comment on The Importance Of A Consistent Sleep Schedule by Kavitha

I couldn’t agree more with the importance of a consistent sleep schedule. It’s something we often overlook, thinking it’s just for kids, but the truth is, our bodies thrive on [...]

- Opa Rambler
Comment on How To Create A Bedtime Routine For Better Sleep by Opa Rambler

Thank you for the insightful article on creating a bedtime routine! Your tips are really practical and easy to implement. One question that comes to mind is, how long does [...]

- Scott
Comment on How To Create A Bedtime Routine For Better Sleep by Scott

This post answered a question I had placed on another post of yours about managing bedtime when I work at night to build my online business. It looks like getting [...]

- Scott
Comment on The Importance Of A Consistent Sleep Schedule by Scott

This article does a fantastic job of highlighting how crucial a consistent sleep schedule is for overall health. The tips provided for establishing and maintaining a sleep routine are practical and [...]

- admin
Comment on The Importance Of A Consistent Sleep Schedule by admin

This article really highlights how crucial a consistent sleep schedule is for overall well-being. I’ve noticed a huge difference in my energy levels and mood since I started sticking to [...]

- Marlinda Davis
Comment on The Importance Of A Consistent Sleep Schedule by Marlinda Davis

This article on the importance of a consistent sleep schedule really hit home for me! I've noticed such a difference in my energy levels and mood when I stick to [...]

- angelce903
Comment on How To Create A Bedtime Routine For Better Sleep by angelce903

Like everything, you must have a solid routine to adopt healthier sleep habits. Personally, I'm addicted to screens so for me, it's very difficult now to sleep without having the [...]

- angelce903
Comment on The Importance Of A Consistent Sleep Schedule by angelce903

Wow you just hit the nail o the head with this article!Yes, I know that having a regular sleep schedule is essential for good health. However, I've taken bad habits [...]

- Stone Evans,
Comment on 15 Tips to Sleep Better at Night by Stone Evans,

In reply to Lawrence. Hi Lawrence, thank you for your feedback. You've provided some great insights!I agree that blocking blue light at night is very important. I also use a [...]

- Stone Evans,
Comment on 15 Tips to Sleep Better at Night by Stone Evans,

In reply to Suzanne. Hi Suzanne, I'm glad you found the article helpful. Yes, I'm a student of what I share and incorporate all of these strategies to sleep better. [...]

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Sleep News

How Much Sleep Do You Need?

Healthy adults need at least seven hours of sleep per night. Babies, young children, and...

The Relationship Between Sex and Sleep

Despite the major role that both sleep and sex have in overall wellness, the relationship...

Waking Up With a Dry Throat: What Causes It and How Do You Treat It?

Waking up with a dry throat can be frustrating, especially if you are unsure of...

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