Stephanie Quinto – Catching Dreams Consulting

Stephanie Quinto - Catching Dreams Sleep Consulting


Sleepless nights? Been there! Meltdowns? Done that!

Dreaming of a calmer, more connected family?

Let's start catching dreams, together.

Hey there! I'm Stephanie.

Confession time… I’m a well-rested mama but I wasn’t always.

Five years ago, I was (like) you. First time mom. Exhausted. At my wits end. Going down the google rabbit hole of baby sleep. Reading article after article finding contradictory information and not knowing what to believe. What was based in fact and what was just people’s opinions? I worried letting my baby cry or doing any kind of sleep training would hurt her (spoiler- it won’t). Up allll night, constantly replacing the paci or nursing or rocking my daughter back to sleep. Driving around half the day to get her to finally nap if only for half an hour. Any of that sound familiar? When we work together you can know I’ve been there myself!

When I hired a Family Sleep Institute (FSI) trained sleep consultant, my whole freaking world changed…practically overnight. Going from completely and utterly exhausted to well rested gave me my sanity back and I could enjoy motherhood again. I suddenly had a well rested baby, on a consistent nap schedule, sleeping 11-12 hours straight through the night. It was like magic! But guess what, it’s not. It’s sleep science in action and I learned it all during my 250+ hours of training at the FSI, the top sleep consulting program in the world. Now, let’s get you more sleep!

And then kids will be kids…

Enter sweet baby now voiced her own opinions, wanted to assert her independence and tested boundaries, exactly what her job is. The traditional ways of time out, punishment and scolding didn’t feel right to me and were completely ineffective. I felt there had to be a better way and discovered positive parenting and discipline. I dove in full force and created my own self-study. I read books, took workshops, and listened to podcasts by top researchers in the field. After witnessing the incredible shift from power struggles to harmony in my own home, I knew I needed to learn it all and share it with other parents who were struggling like I had been. That is when I enrolled in the Child Behavior Certification Program at the Early Years and became a Positive Parenting Coach.

I combine my 10+ years of experience as an educator and my knowledge of child behavior and positive discipline to teach you practical solutions to everyday parenting struggles resulting in a more connected family.

Sleep is confusing! Who would have thought?

Catching Dreams is here to demystify your little one’s sleep and hold your hand through the entire process. By the end of our time together, your child will sleep 11-12 hours straight through the night and take beautiful long naps! These packages are designed for kiddos age 4 months through 10 years old.

At Catching Dreams, there is no one size fits all approach. When we work together, I get to know you, your unique family dynamic and your parenting style. Then, I craft a sleep plan made exclusively for you that addresses all things sleep. During the support period, I will be your biggest cheerleader and your sleep expert BFF! My goal is for you to feel 100% supported and I will always be just a text or phone call away!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I even hire a sleep consultant? And more importantly, why Stephanie?

Because you’re done reading sleep books, googling and feeling confused. Because you want a clear plan that is customized to your family- something a book cannot give you. Because you want support from someone who studied the research and knows what works in real life with real kiddos. Because you want a personal experience and a cheerleader through your journey to becoming well rested. And lastly, because I have walked the walk and been down this journey myself. I’ve been there and I see you!

What sleep issues can you help with?

Oh, so many…

• Night wakings
• Short naps, nap transitions and creating a consistent nap schedule
• Early morning wakeups
• Not falling asleep independently
• Night weaning (with pediatrician approval)
• Bedtime battles and chaotic sleep routines
• Making the transition from bedsharing (co-sleeping) to independent sleep
• Toddlers who climb out of their crib or don’t stay in their beds
• Working with twins
• Children with special needs with sleep issues

And much more!

What ages do you work with?

I work with expectant parents and parents of newborns through about 10 years old. (Contact me if your kiddo is older than 10 to determine if your sleep challenges are ones I can help with.)

For babies under 4 months of age, check out the Newborn Sleep Packages. We focus on safe sleep, the sleep environment, sleep routine and establishing healthy sleep habits early on. This is sleep shaping not sleep training. Formal sleep training can begin at 4 months old (adjusted) and beyond. We will work together to get your little one (and you!) well rested and sleeping independently!

I'm not sure this is right for my family or which package is best for us...

Please schedule an intro call then! I am happy to discuss your needs, give you some guidance and help you determine if we’re a good fit to work together.

Will my sleep plan just be a standard run of the mill plan?

No! Every sleep plan is custom and individualized to the unique needs of each family and their personal parenting philosophies.

Is this just 'cry it out'?

This is such a common misconception about sleep training. Just putting your baby to bed and shutting the door until morning is not going to work! There is a lot more to the puzzle that we will tackle!

At Catching Dreams, we use a variety of sleep training methods ranging from high parent involvement, for those that want to be with their little one while they learn how to sleep and prefer a more gradual approach, to moderate or limited parent involvement, for parents who decide a less involved method is better for them. We’ll discuss this in depth during our consultation session and choose what feels best for you and is best for your child’s temperament.

But will my baby cry?

There will be some crying. Remember, just like us, our little ones don’t like change either and they will communicate their protest through crying. However, I will teach you when and how to coach your little one so they feel supported throughout the process. We also create the best possible circumstances for your child to reduce the amount of crying, including the ideal sleep environment, timing of sleep and sleep routine. They are learning a new skill which is frustrating so they’re going to let you know, but soon enough, they will learn the new normal and nights will be better for everyone!

Will sleep training harm my baby?

100% without a doubt in my mind, NO! And there’s research to back that up—actual randomized controlled trials, the gold standard in the research world! On the contrary, the research shows that sleep training benefits the child’s overall health and mom’s mental health! If you’re interested in learning more about the research, I’m happy to share. After all, I am a sleep nerd.

Can I sleep train and continue night feedings?

Yes! Raising my hand as a mom who continued nursing at night and sleep trained! You can definitely hang onto a night feeding (or more)! There is a difference between a needed hunger feeding and feeding because baby doesn’t have the skills to fall asleep without the breast or bottle. We will work together, along with your pediatrician, to determine how many feedings are nutritionally necessary and the timing of those feedings. Any night weaning will be done gradually.

How quickly will we see results?

It’ll be quicker than you think. For babies under 1 year old, new habits are typically formed in about 1-2 weeks. For older kiddos, 2-3 weeks is typical.

Will this really work?

Yes! Many parents come to me feeling like they have tried everything and thinking nothing could help their little one. I get that—that was me as a first time mom. If you are consistent with implementing the plan and there are no underlying medical issues (we rule this out first) this will work!

Sleep Packages

Each package includes one on one consultation, 2 weeks of support while we implement the sleep plan and a personalized sleep plan to get your child sleeping through the night!


• 2 Weeks of limited support
• In depth sleep evaluation
• 1.5 hour live video consultation
• Personalized sleep plan matching your family's unique needs and philosophies
• 2 weeks of access to sleep log app
• 2 weeks of limited support- two 20-minute phone calls


• Most popular - 2 weeks of unlimited support
• In depth sleep evaluation
• 1.5 hour live video consultation
• Personalized sleep plan matching your family's unique needs and philosophies
• 2 weeks of access to sleep log app plus daily feedback & advice inside the sleep log app
• 2 weeks of unlimited daily support via text, phone calls & sleep log app (9am-4pm)
• Wrap up "Ask me anything" call to get guidance for the future
• One month after check in call


• Overnight support in your home
• In depth sleep evaluation
• 2 hour in home consultation
• Personalized sleep plan matching your family's unique needs and philosophies
• 2 weeks of accesss to the sleep log app plus daily feedback & advice inside the sleep log
• 2 weeks of unlimited daily support via text, phone calls & sleep log app (9am-4pm)
• Two full nights of overnight support in your home on nights 1 & 2
• Wrap up "Ask me anything" call to get guidance for the future
• One month after check in call
• Perfect for families who need some extra in person TLC to boost their confidence and get off to a strong start
• Travel fees may apply

Have questions? Book a complimentary intro call! This will be a 15-minute call where you share about your sleep struggles and goals and to discuss options for working together.


Catching Dreams Sleep Consulting