Sleep Tracker – 8/8/2024

I slept more last night than I have in a while with 7h 27m of total sleep out of 9h 45m in bed. This was my first full night in the “sleep cave” I setup for myself.

My sleep efficiency was still only 76% with 2h 18m awake time during the night, but I have felt strong today with the 1h 42m of deep and 45m of REM I had last night.

One addition to my pre-sleep supplements last night was 2.5 mg of melatonin.

I woke up this morning and decided with my wife to reorganize our bedroom and move our bed to the south interior wall, and I am going to try to sleep in bed tonight. The primary reason for making this change is that our bed has always had the headboard on the north wall which is also an exterior wall of our house. Outside this wall a few feet down from our bed is an air conditioning unit that runs throughout the night and creates some noise and vibration.

In addition to my own inability to sleep in bed for many months now due to feeling uncomfortable, my wife’s sleep is also inconsistent. Sometimes she will sleep well, and other times not well at all. We’ve decided to make this change together to see if sleeping on the other side of the room further away from the outside noise will help us sleep better, and allow me to return to bed to sleep.

If I get uncomfortable tonight in bed, I’ll move to my sleep cave but I’m hopeful that this change will allow me to sleep through the night in bed and create more normalcy in our sleep routine.

I also started the Stamets Stack today which is a microdosing protocol of lion’s mane and psilocybin mushrooms along with niacin as I’m working to make bigger positive changes in my life and believe in the power of medicinal mushrooms to help open new pathways in my brain to see more possibilities and create change faster. It will be interesting to watch over the course of the next month how this new regime affects my life and sleep.

Pre-sleep supplements taken: 100mg Double Wood Apigenin, 2g Carlson Glycine, 3 capsules Global Healing Center Oxy-Powder, 2.5mg Source Naturals Melatonin, 1tsp Manuka Honey

Stone Evans is the founder of which has become one of the most popular destinations online for people seeking better sleep. Stone started developing this website after realizing his own sleep struggles and then beginning an intensive period of study (which included professional sleep coach training) and ongoing lifestyle changes to improve and optimize his sleep.

Now through in-depth articles from sleep experts around the world, the internet's leading and most comprehensive sleep coaching directory, quantitative sleep product reviews and Stone's personal daily sleep tracking journey, visitors to our website regularly report gaining information and insights that are helping them achieve better health, better sleep and a better quality of life.
