Sleep Tracker – 8/26/2024 (Tired Eyes)

I awoke shortly after 5:00am this morning and according to my sleep graph, I got up straight out of light sleep without a smooth wake up period in bed. This may be part of why my eyes have felt tired all day.

Sleep Tracker - 8/26/2024 (Tired Eyes)
Sleep Tracker – 8/26/2024 (Tired Eyes)

After getting up, my eyes had a light burning sensation and later in the morning I noticed some redness and used some eye drops to help them feel better.

I felt a little more tired throughout the day and took a nap after lunch which boosted my sleep score and readiness a few points and helped me continue to power through.

But my eyes have been more blurry in the evening when working on the computer and that’s made things more challenging and slow for me to do what I want to do.

I’ve noticed overall that my near vision often correlates with how well I’ve slept at night. I think it is a function of my mitochondria and how well I’ve recovered during my night’s sleep.

Overall my numbers were ok last night with 6h 36m of sleep out of 8h 15m in bed for an 81% efficiency. I also got 1h 16m of deep and 1h 26m of REM which is consistent with some of my better sleeps lately.

That said, waking up early with a quick move out of bed after waking up seems to have had a negative effect on how I’ve felt today, most of all my eyes.

While I’ve been allowing myself to get out of bed earlier than I used to, I still prefer to sleep until at least 6:00am. I seem to feel better throughout the day and don’t often need a nap mid-day when I do.

I’m working on my nighttime wind down now and will hopefully get a deeper night sleep tonight and wake up with more strength in my eyes and stamina tomorrow.

I’ll need it. I have a singles tennis match in the evening that will be very energy intensive. The last time I played a match in the evening, sleep was rough that night so I’ll also need to take extra steps in my post-match recovery tomorrow night to improve my chances for sleeping well so I can wake up in full strength.

Stone Evans is the founder of which has become one of the most popular destinations online for people seeking better sleep. Stone started developing this website after realizing his own sleep struggles and then beginning an intensive period of study (which included professional sleep coach training) and ongoing lifestyle changes to improve and optimize his sleep.

Now through in-depth articles from sleep experts around the world, the internet's leading and most comprehensive sleep coaching directory, quantitative sleep product reviews and Stone's personal daily sleep tracking journey, visitors to our website regularly report gaining information and insights that are helping them achieve better health, better sleep and a better quality of life.
