Sleep Tracker – 8/3/2024

Sleep Tracker - 8/3/2024

I’m happy to see an improvement in my sleep last night with 1h 41m of deep sleep and 1h 8m of REM sleep. At the moment, I’ll give credit to wearing my Swannies blue light blocking glasses starting around 5pm until I went to bed. I plan to continue wearing my blue blockers by at … Read More

Sleep Tracker – 8/2/2024

Sleep Tracker - 8/2/2024

Last night’s sleep was far from ideal. I only got 6h 8m of sleep out of 8h 15m in bed. I also usually go to sleep fairly quickly after lying down, but last night it took me a couple of hours before I finally went to sleep. I got a little hungry before bed and … Read More

Sleep Tracker – 8/1/2024

Sleep Tracker - 8/1/2024

Last night’s sleep was an average baseline of how I am currently sleeping at night. My sleep efficiency was only 76% with frequent wake ups throughout the night. Out of 9 hours and 6 minutes in bed, I only have a recorded sleep time of 6 hours and 53 minutes. There is a lot of … Read More