Sleep Tracker – 8/8/2024

Sleep Tracker - 8/8/2024

I slept more last night than I have in a while with 7h 27m of total sleep out of 9h 45m in bed. This was my first full night in the “sleep cave” I setup for myself. My sleep efficiency was still only 76% with 2h 18m awake time during the night, but I have … Read More

Sleep Tracker – 8/7/2024

Sleep Tracker - 8/7/2024

Success! I slept in… well, NEAR my bedroom last night. I actually started by pulling my own side mattress up next to our main bed to sleep there so I would have plenty of space to move around without disturbing my wife. BUT about an hour into it, I started having ringing in my ears … Read More

Sleep Tracker – 8/6/2024

Sleep Tracker - 8/6/2024

I’m encouraged by getting 1h 23m of deep sleep within a couple of hours of lying down last night. What I tested that was different was creating a more comfortable and padded sleep pallet. It worked well for the first part of the night but I ended up getting uncomfortable around 1:00am and moved back … Read More

Sleep Tracker – 8/5/2024

Sleep Tracker - 8/5/2024

My deep and REM sleep improved a little last night with 58m deep and 57m REM. The night started rough for me as I was also trying a different bed for the first hour and a half and I was having a difficult time getting to sleep. After lying down around 9:30, I didn’t really … Read More

Sleep Tracker – 8/4/2024

Sleep Tracker - 8/4/2024

I’m surprised that my sleep quality dropped down significantly last night from the night before. My overall score last night was 65 (Fair) with only 22m of REM and 41m of deep sleep. My day and pre-sleep routine were very similar to the night before. I wore my Swannies blue light blocking glasses starting around … Read More