Sleep Tracker – 8/18/2024

Sleep Tracker - 8/18/2024

I felt a little restless last night but my overall sleep quality is remaining consistent. I got 7h 1m of sleep out of 8h 40m in bed with an 81% efficiency. Could my restlessness be caused by being out of Manuka honey which I usually take every night before bed? I only had 1h 3m … Read More

Sleep Tracker – 8/17/2024

Sleep Tracker - 8/17/2024

Ready and recharged! My sleep continues to be good, and I’m working on great. 1h 43m of deep and 58m of REM last night. I’m still spending far too much time awake at night, but I’ll get there. I got 7h 41m of total sleep last night with a sleep efficiency of 80%. That’s pretty … Read More

Sleep Tracker – 8/16/2024

Sleep Tracker - 8/16/2024

Oura wants me to call an architect as my readiness just blasted through the roof! 7h 7m of sleep out of 8h 38 minutes in bed with an 82% efficiency score. I also got my lowest resting heart rate so far at 37bpm. I had 1h 24m of REM last night and 41m of deep. … Read More

Sleep Tracker – 8/15/2024

Sleep Tracker - 8/15/2024

Signs of recovery! After a brutal 56 sleep score 2 nights ago, I returned to a solid baseline last night with a 7h 3m of sleep out of 8h 46m in bed with an 80% efficiency. It wasn’t my best sleep in the last week, but I’m back on track now and aiming for some … Read More

Sleep Tracker – 8/14/2024

Sleep Tracker - 8/14/2024

I took a huge sleep hit last night from my evening tennis match. Just 5h 49m of sleep out of 8h 26m in bed with a 69% sleep efficiency and 56 total sleep score. It was rough… I finished playing around 9:15pm and wasn’t able to spend much time on recovery. I took care of … Read More