Jennifer Schindele – Gift of Sleep Consulting


When was the last time you got a full night’s sleep?

• Is bedtime a battle?
• Is nighttime a nightmare?
• Are naptimes too short or, worse, nonexistent?
• Are you fatigued, frazzled, and feeling as though you and your little one will never get a decent night’s sleep?

I am here to help!

Whether you’re looking for guidance in establishing healthy sleep habits with your baby, or are ready to put an end to your toddler’s desire for a 2 a.m. pajama party, you’ve taken an important first step in looking to a sleep expert for assistance.

Just like when I was an overwhelmed and depressed new mom, by now, you’ve scoured the internet and social media in search of a sleep solution, and have paged through multiple books about sleep, only to be confronted with a myriad of methods and conflicting advice.

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, now is the time to take charge of your days and nights. Healthy sleep for the entire family is possible!

Meet our sleep expert…

Jennifer provides exhausted parents with personalized, easy-to-follow plans and 1 on 1 support throughout their journey to better sleep. Her favorite part of supporting tired families is watching their lives completely transform. Happy, well-rested child and happy well-rested parents. WIN/WIN!

What if…

• You knew exactly what to do to end the nightly tears and frustration around bedtime?
• You were better rested and had more time to do the things you loved that made you feel alive and fulfilled?
• You had all the resources to feel like a confident parent who could meet all challenges with grace, ease, and a clear head?

…embracing motherhood and feeling fully present to enjoy your journey through all your baby’s firsts.

Sleep is not a luxury, it is a necessity!

Take the first step towards a good night’s sleep and call Jennifer for a plan that’s tailored just for your family. If you’re unsure about diving completely in, take advantage of a complimentary child sleep assessment by phone or Zoom with Jennifer.

Hi, I’m Jenn. Mom, Sleep Boss and Finder of Lost Loveys

I work with frazzled, weary, overtired parents who are struggling to find a sleep solution for their children. You love your kids more than anything but there was no way to prepare for the total lack of rest that being a parent involves. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Our babies do not come into the world knowing how to sleep well. Sleep is a skill that has to be taught, no different than walking and talking.

Did you know 80% of children who are not sleeping well as infants continue to do so up to 4 – 5 years of age? That’s a long time.

As a top-rated sleep consultant, I will be your partner in creating a sleep system that works for your entire family. With a solution customized to your family, you will rediscover what it means for everyone to get a full night of sleep, which is life-changing.

My Sleep Philosophy

Sleep isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity for humans to survive and thrive. I believe in evidence-based methods and guidance. I believe in supporting without judgment, shame, or guilt. I am your safe, Judgement Free Zone.

It is when I became a mommy for the first time that this sentiment was driven home to me. You really never fully understand how much you love to sleep until you are scraping by on just a few hours a night.

My philosophy on sleep is what sets me apart from other sleep professionals. I care deeply about each and every family I work with. It’s true! I support and truly believe that a relationship built on respect makes all the difference.

I’ve been a sleep coach for almost as long as I’ve been a mother! Over the past 10+ years, I have developed sleep solutions that focus on respect, compassion and love. During our time together I practice what I preach and help guide and support you, the parent, on a journey to build confidence in your child’s abilities and also in confidence in yourself as a parent.

Where It Got Started

Have you ever heard the word “Mombie?” That is what my life was like as a new mom. After countless nights of little to no sleep with my daughter, my emotional and physical well-being was suffering.

All of the endless rocking and sleepless nights took their toll.

How was I going to show up and be the mom I needed to be for my new little girl when I was barely functioning because of sleep deprivation?

I felt defeated and at my wit’s end. Being newly diagnosed with postpartum depression and anxiety, I went to the doctor who literally “prescribed” getting more sleep (gee, thanks…but seriously…HOW?).

How in the world was I supposed to do that with an infant who did not sleep?

I had to find a better way but I was unwilling to simply put my kid in a crib and let her cry it out.

As a mom, it was my obligation to find a sustainable solution for my daughter, and myself so that we could get the sleep we needed to thrive (not just survive).

During my journey for answers, I became a student of sleep as well as a certified sleep consultant personally trained by world-renown sleep expert Dana Obleman.

Through a customized sleep plan that I could commit to, my daughter learned to become an excellent sleeper which allowed me to get the rest the doctor ordered!

It is unbelievable the difference between being exhausted compared to well-rested.

I’m passionate about sleep.

I’m passionate about helping your family get the rest it deserves.

Don’t wait until you’re at your breaking point, take the important next step today (right now) to learn how to help your child learn to sleep independently.

Rest assured, I’ve got you covered.

Schedule Your Free Assessment Call


Gift of Sleep Consulting

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