Featured Sleep Coach
If you're the parent of a baby or toddler who isn't sleeping through the night - and if you're wondering what you can do about it - you're in the right place! My name is Dana Obleman, and since 2003 I've helped over 100,000 parents like you find a quick gentle solution to their children's sleep problems.
So many specialists have opinions and ideas for achieving good sleep. for children and adults. It is important to note that every adult needs 8-9 hours of good night rest and sleep in order to function well for the following day, Functioning well includes our immune system fighting infections, taking care of fatigue and all other metabolic-related conditions.
I have found drinking green tea at night helpful for a relaxed and comfortable night’s sleep. Its thiamine content is known to help to relax \ and improve the quality of sleep.
The development of a new Apple Watch for 2024 that can detect the most common sleep-related disorder called Sleep Apnea is a very welcome development for people who suffer from this condition all over the world. Snoring can be detected by the wearer of this watch.
Snoring can lead to short episodes of breathlessness that wake up the wearer and cause sleep disruption. People with this disorder do not have enough relaxed sleep and this can lead to attention and memory issues, heart disease, and many other health problems
By detecting the snoring symptoms the wearer of this watch can be alerted for prompt and early action for appropriate referral for early diagnosis and treatment that would save a lot of cost and damages to the economy of any nation.
Hey, this is a great example of how far technology has come. It’s crazy that a watch can actually detect things like blood pressure and sleep apnea. It’s also promising for humanity to help cure all these terrible diseases. I think we will see an acceleration of this kind of thing very soon.
I’ve been struggling with excessive daytime sleepiness and fatigue for months. I’ve recently seen a sleep specialist. The specialist diagnosed me with obstructive sleep apnea, and said my breathing repeatedly stops and starts during the night, often due to blocked airways. Nice to have a reason I’ve been so tired! What are the most effective treatment options for managing obstructive sleep apnea, and other changes can I make to my lifestyle to improve?
I know a lady who has sleep apnea and is usually very tired. She works part-time and has a long commute to and from work. She takes Forever Living Products like the Aloe Drinking Gel to keep her immune system boosted.
She is also aware that she could die in her sleep. But as a committed Christian, she says positive affirmations like “God hasn’t finished with me yet. It’s all in the mind. Got to keep positive”
This watch is very useful and as many people are unaware they have this condition, it would be a useful thing to know and get diagnosed properly.