Anne Trager – Potentializer Academy


Does this sound like you?

Every time the world shifts, keeping your balance is no small feat.

• You have a million things to juggle and are constantly playing catch up.
• Demands on your time and attention never end and you feel stuck in a rut.
• Even when you are physically and emotionally drained, you have to keep going. People depend on you.
• You don’t have the luxury of not having enough energy.
• You feel a mid-life drag, invisible, and restless to get back on track with your goals.
• You dream of sleeping the whole night through.
• You don’t buy into the story that “this is how life is.” You are longing to feel something different: To be energized. To be balanced. To be whole. Again.

Maybe you want to do everything, to have everything, and to be everything for everyone. Or just to feel whole and happier. To be a better person. You only get one chance to do life right.


You want to improve your life, be grateful, be present, lose weight, exercise, sleep, achieve your goals. Change. Mostly, you’re just running the rat race.

I've been there. I spent most of my life disconnected, hustling, struggling to be fully here. I hit forty with a new husband (the second), a new baby, a new business, two miscarriages, early menopause, autoimmune disease, bum knees. Just when I needed more time, more energy, and more of everything, I was exhausted, unable to play with my daughter at the end of the day. I had no edge at work. I longed to sleep a whole night through. I begged for it.

What saved me? Radical self-care, an unconventional approach to balance, and not doing what I was told. Now, I feel balanced and whole again. I’m sharing what I discovered from the literally thousands of hours I spent figuring out how to release untapped energy.


• Energy, not time, is what gets us out of survival mode.

It’s not about drinking more coffee, or doing another wellness program. It’s not about time management or digital detoxes. It’s about optimizing our ecosystem to create the conditions for the best version of ourselves to emerge.

• Self-development isn't enough.

We need to connect the body and mind. We need to totally rethink how we approach resiliency and embrace radical self-care.

• Setting priorities won't cut it.

Finding balance is an ongoing process that stems from flexible systems and a whole-person approach. We need to stop living in pieces. It’s time to connect to optimism. To dare to be whole.

• It’s an inside-out job.

It starts with us, and then it’s about how we connect to the world around us. What meaning do we bring to our life?


What do you get from the Potentializer Academy?

A roadmap to get your body & mind working for you so you have the energy, stamina and mental clarity to cope with insane expectations and life’s curveballs.

This is a no-BS journey to putting yourself first and finding lasting balance — in a life that corresponds to who you are. You’ll walk away with tools to:

• Fine-tune your biochemistry to maximize energy and mental clarity.
• Calm your nervous system and handle your stress to get more done.
• Build daily habits and an environment to support vitality without limiting your enjoyment.
• Tweak your ecosystem to find a feeling of balance and resilience.
• Refine your personal storytelling to uncover a profound sense of self, optimism and connection to the world around you.

You’ll kick some serious butt if you commit and turn theory into practice.


Potentializer Academy

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