Teresa Power, BS, CCSH – Sleep Better NYC

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Teresa is a thought-leader in the sleep coaching space. She has over 15 years of experience in the healthcare consulting, and she became the founder of Sleep Better NYC to bridge the gap between individuals, wellness professional sand healthcare providers. She has become a national speaker on topics ranging from sleep hygiene and basic sleep science to dental sleep medicine protocols and remote physiological monitoring for obstructive sleep apnea patients.

Teresa is the Director of Marketing for the Sleep Division of Synthpop AI. Her goal is to increase access to patient-centered care by leveraging the power of AI.

Teresa lives with her husband in Brooklyn, NY. She loves a good boxing workout, never turns down Italian food, and enjoys wine & whiskey from time to time.

The mission of Sleep Better NYC is to provide actionable guidance, without the BS.

We believe in personalized care and a holistic approach to sleep care, using technology.

That’s why we continue to develop programs and educational content in collaboration with a community of experts.

We are board-certified in clinical sleep health, with expertise in sleep coaching, care coordination, and therapy monitoring. Our experience with individual clients, patients, providers and healthcare systems provide a unique perspective.

Website: https://SleepBetter.nyc

Sleep Better NYC

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